Burning Flame Returns, The Ultimate Combination
TVB's 2008 grand production, Burning Flame III was highly anticipated from the very start. A series of male leads have mostly been confirmed to take part in the third installment, which includes Wong Hei, Kevin Cheng Ka-Wing, Steven Ma Chun-Wai, Bosco Wong Chung-Chak and Ray Lui Leung-Wai. As with the female leads, various rumors and different versions of "the story" have been told, there has been many changes ever since the series was first announced. So far, ex-TVB "fa dans" and previous Burning Flame series cast Flora Chan Wai-San, Maggie Cheung Ho-Yee and Melissa Ng Mei-Hang have all been contacted. The current rumored confirmed list includes singer Miriam Yeung Chin-Wah, "rumor queen" Sonija Kwok Sin-Nei and Best Actress Esther Kwan Wing-Ho.
Earlier during TVB's award presentation, Ray Lui presented the Best Actress award, when interviewed by reporters, Ray expressed his interest in returning. Ray seeks a well written script and a good partner, later while attending TVB general manager Stephen Chan Chi-Wan's "Be My Guest" show, Stephen also mentioned that TVB wants to recruit Ray back. The presenter of the Best Actor award, Kathy Chow Hoi-Mei, who has set her focus in the mainland these past few years has also been negotiating with TVB, most of the details have been confirmed and the contract will be signed soon. TVB's original plan was to have ex-lovers Ray and Kathy star in Buring Flame III together, but Kathy rejected the offer, her reason: being a firefighter is too exhausting. Kathy will however star in a new series, co-starring Sunny Chan Kam-Hung. Sonija was suppose to be the one working with Sunny, but due to Kathy's rejection, Sonija was placed in Burning Flame III while Kathy took over the new series with Sunny.
While hosting a function recently, Maggie reveals that she will be returning on-screen soon, first filming the new season of TVB variety show "Living Up". Maggie will film a new series early 2008, when asked if it's Burning Flame III, Maggie says she hasn't decided yet because her health has just returned and she doesn't want to overwork herself. However, since the series won't start filming until March, Maggie has plenty of time to rest and prepare for the series, the chances of Maggie accepting are high.
As 2007 soon comes to an end, the music awards presentations are all arriving soon, the singers all try their best to "fight" for what they want. Most singers are willing to do "more" for TVB so that their chance of getting awards can increase. The fastest and "guaranteed" method, filming a series for TVB. Miriam attended a function earlier and expressed her interest in filming a series for TVB, although she claims the series title is unknown, according the the latest buzz, the series is indeed Burning Flame III. With Miriam added to the "confirmed" cast, TVB decides to pair her up with Best Actor Kevin Cheng. TVB plans to air this series before the 08 anniversary. Due to Miriam's tight schedule, which may slow down the filming process, TVB has arranged for someone to act as the third party. The "third party" will have a significant amount of scenes with Bosco. When asked who the "third party" is, Bosco avoided answering the question by revealing that in Burning Flame III, he and Steven will be brothers.
早 前,無線頒獎典禮呂良偉擔任「最佳女主角」頒獎嘉賓,事後接受記者採訪時說有興趣回無線拍劇,最重要是劇本跟對手好,而在此前上《志雲飯局》時呂良偉就 被陳志雲當場力邀回巢拍劇。久未在港露面的周海媚當晚就擔任「最佳女主角」頒獎嘉賓,同樣表示無線有同她接洽拍劇事宜,且基本已經談妥。無線本有意邀周海 媚夥呂良偉拍《烈火雄心Ⅲ》,海味以做消防員太辛苦為由婉拒,但就會接拍另一部劇,同陳錦鴻合作,據悉,原角色本由郭羡妮擔任,但由於海味不肯接拍《烈火 Ⅲ》,無線遂只好將兩人對調。
昨日,張可頤出席《童心同行愛之夜》節目並擔任司儀,透露將會全面復工,稍 後便會拍攝樓盤節目《更上一層樓》,明年初更會拍攝新劇,記者問是不是《烈火 Ⅲ》,可頤就謂暫時還沒有決定是否接拍,因為剛剛回復體力,不想太辛苦。不過由於該劇大概是在明年3月開拍,相信可頤在開拍之前有足夠的時間休息,故接拍 成數甚高。
年底將至,樂壇各大獎項也將陸續有來,眾歌手虎視眈眈。為討好無線在勁歌金曲頒獎典禮上佔一席 位,眾人出盡法寶,最穩陣的當然是替無線拍劇了。楊千嬅前日 出席藝進會活動時就表示有興趣替無線拍劇,雖未有說明是何劇,不過事實上她一早就接下了《烈火Ⅲ》,千嬅助陣,無線亦不敢怠慢,派出視帝鄭嘉穎飾演其男 友。不過千嬅大忙人,分分鐘因為檔期問題而延誤拍攝進度,無線為了趕在08年台慶前播出,遂會安排另一女主角同千嬅爭鄭嘉穎,而這一女主角亦會同黃宗澤有 不少對手戲,兩手準備,有備無患。至於這一女主角是誰就暫時未知,記者向黃宗澤詢問,他只是無厘頭地說劇中與馬浚偉是兄弟。
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